
We are excited to see you on our big day and celebrate love with us! Your presence is more than enough, but if you would like to give a gift we’d be overjoyed with a contribution towards our honeymoon or a contribution to a very special piece of art that we hope to acquire.

At our recent trip to Romania and a visit to an exhibition in Bucharest, we fell in love with the sculpture of ‘The Kiss’ by Constantin Brâncuși. One of the prototypes is on sale in Brussels and we feel this would be a beautiful souvenir of our wedding.

At our Wedding Reception there will be a Wedding Card Box for your kind contributions or you can use our dedicated account:

BE42 7340 5430 5154

We acknowledge that a lot of people living in Brussels are less privileged than we are. Therefore, during our Wedding Service in Church we will collect money for the work of ‘Street Nurses’ (‘Straatverplegers’ / ‘Infirmiers de Rue’), who are doing a tremendous job to support the homeless.

Your donation either in Church or via the button on their website is much appreciated!